Thursday, December 17, 2009

Do saunas make pores bigger?

I recently went to in a sauna and then i noticed immediately that my skin has been oilier and some of the pores on my nose and cheeks seem larger. Could the sauna have had this effect? Maybe i should stay away from it because it seems to make my pores bigger and my skin oilier. Does anybody know if there is a direct effect? I have heard that saunas make pores bigger and purifies the skin by taking out all the oils and impurities. But does it permanently make ur pores bigger?|||heat opens your pores temporarily.|||steam opens your pores. thats why you%26#039;re supposed to shower before tweezing or waxing. but once your skin has been out in the air for a while they should go back to normal. you were also probably just oily because you were sweating

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