Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Are large pores more prone to acne?

If you have large pores, is it easier for you to breakout more often??|||no.just keep your face clean and wash it a lot. also dont eat a bunch of junk food. and drink lots of water. it helps the skin|||I have read many articles, the answer is %26quot;not really%26quot;

acne is come because of oil that settled on your face and make your pore can not %26quot;breath%26quot; well.

Is it easier for you to breakouts more often?

the answer is %26quot;not really%26quot; again.. Ms. Like, it is depend on how often you clean your face naturally. Just often to wash your face regularly to reduce the oils on your face.

Try to visit http://www.myskinandbeauty.com

It will help,|||im not really sure, but i guess so since there more prone for dirt and oil to acumilate inside. Just wash your face 2 or 3 times a day and you should be okay :)|||yes because more dirt gets in. you want your pores to open to get it out, then make sure they close with cool water so that no more dirt can get in it.

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