Monday, April 26, 2010

Can Honey shrink your pores?

So I heard from a friend that just applying honey to your skin can help shrink your pores. I looked it up, and people are saying to add other stuff such as lemon juice and baking soda.. and I%26#039;m just wondering if it%26#039;s required, and how effective it is.

Thanks!|||A safe way to quickly and permanently reduces pores and heal many other skin problems. Thoroughly massage with an essential oil - olive, almond, jojoba and coconut are excellent. (See USER%26#039;S happy response below). First tighten skin by tightening face muscles so that you will not be pulling or stressing skin. Do a forward and back massage with finger tips and front of fingers. A circular motion will not work. Do over and over firmly. For quickest results do each day for 5 min or more. Pores will greatly minimize in as little as 2 to 3 days. Skin is always shedding and renewing. Massage forces a new clearer skin to emerge. You can quickly have a smooth, tight, totally blemish free, healthy skin.

REPLY FROM A USER - wannabeblue28 :%26quot; Hi Mukunda M. Omg, I%26#039;ve been following your advice and massaging my face vigorously with coconut oil for the last three days and I see results already! Thank you ever so much..this could be the solution to my all my skin problems. I%26#039;d messaged earlier asking about the pores on my face. They%26#039;re very large and EVERYWHERE. I have a massive event coming up in a month. Could I do it twice daily to speed up the process? %26quot;

SOURCE(S): 20+ years research/experimentation using only safe, natural treatments to permanently cure skin conditions....|||No - pore size is genetic, you can%26#039;t change it with any substance.

Lemon juice and baking soda are stronger acids than skin and it%26#039;s oil, sebum (skin is slightly acidic), and it absorbs oil from the skins%26#039; surface and out of the pores.

It DOESN%26#039;T make the pores physically smaller, but it can temporarily close (or %26#039;tighten%26#039;) them if they%26#039;re open and oil is seeping through.

However, your pores will open again afterwards, when depends on how oily your skin is.|||No, honey is just hydrating. And there%26#039;s a technique, because it%26#039;s sticky, you can walk your fingers all over your face and take them, repeatedly, and at the same time you take them off, with the honey on them also goes the dirt if you get what I mean. Like a peel-off mask but the stickiness is the secret.|||nope, nothing can shrink pores. you can make them appear smaller by making sure they are clean and that is about it. if you are young you can exfoliate every other day to remove the dead surface layer and bring the healthier skin to the surface quicker and that will naturally have smaller pores. in the worst case scenario seeing a dermatologist or esthetician for professional exfoliation or chemical peels may be the last resort. a facial may schools often offer them cheap.|||nope, nothing can shrink your pores. once pores are enlarged, they%26#039;re enlarged for good. (i know, it sucks, right?) the only thing all the %26quot;pore shrinking%26quot; products out there do is reduce the appearance of enlarged pores, which is what people with large pores should do. honey might help, but i%26#039;d say lemon juice is better, as it%26#039;s an astringent. any sort of astringent should work. try witch tree;s super cheap if you buy it in a bottle at the pharmacy. if you want to get a little fancier, try a good clay mask.|||it doesn%26#039;t really shrink them but it opens them up to get all of the nasty stuff out|||Ew %26quot;archyb%26quot; you are one sick thing..|||nope,but its good to rub over your body and have a sexy girl lick off ;)|||nope weirdo

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